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Higher level open new flag head office in
Aston Birmingham
Higher level support young people to go to Germany as youth ambassadors
CEO Leslie fairclough helps to develop Birmingham Leadership Foundation
Our Vision

To encapsulate our vision and principles we cannot just be an organisation that creates opportunity, we must strive to be community champions with pro-active solutions to social exclusion. This process places emphasis on the importance of the development of the individual in an attempt to empower, and therefore nurture respect for oneself, culture and others.

Social enterprise equals self-perpetuation, esteem and regeneration. This is of particular importance to young people unfortunately caring the label hard to reach; who often left operating below the proverbial radar of inclusion. To fully realise our vision we collaborate with public and private bodies to create innovative clusters, so as to pro-actively address and reduce crime and disorder throughout the United Kingdom.
At the heart of our Vision there are three essential arteries for individual's security and growth:
  • Developing diverse and dynamic opportunities
  • Promoting skills and learning
  • Providing accommodation and conditions for growth and in a stable environments
Our four-pillar vision of strategy has widespread currency, as does our aims of creating stability through enterprise, support and providing access to suitable accommodation. The aforementioned is summarised by our four crosscutting actions below:
  • Building a sustainable future for young people.
  • Developing an enterprising culture.
  • Supporting links between private, public and voluntary vision.
  • Valuing equality of opportunity
The aim is to encourage, support, and empower individuals to take positive control of their life, using a variety of methods to achieve successful outcomes for young people facing difficulties in their transition to independent living
Verona Davis
Operations Manager

Higher Level Ltd
102 Lea Road,
Penn Field,
Ph: 44 0845 467 6595